Britlinks is no longer actively maintained, but is preserved here as a historical record. Something of the history of the site can be found on this page.

BritlinksFeatured Album

Berliner sleeve

An album of free improvisations between solo bassist Steve Lawson and pianist
Jez Carr, Conversations is an accomplished recording and a compelling listen.
As the title suggests, the album comes across as a musical discussion between
close friends and regular collaborators.

Those who listened to Steve Lawson's debut album will not be entirely surprised
by the musical content of this recording. The piano and bass play well against
each other, with Jez managing to bring some of Steve's more unusual experiments
under control as well as bringing his own fair share of ideas and excellent

This is essential, mellow listening. Find out more at Steve's website.

Let us know what you think of the album on our discussion boards.

Take A Listen:


We used to have copies of these albums to give away. But since the site is not active any more, we no longer do.

Last month's featured album

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Britlinks was once designed, maintained and © James Stewart